Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I never in a million years thought this would happen, but schools are closed for snow/sleet in March on St. Patrick's Day! Crazy! I have to admit, I'm way over the snow days, though. The first couple weeks of random snow days we had were nice, even though it did end up messing up exam week. Since then, I've kind of just been over it.  Come on, Spring!!

Anyway, I thought I would share with you our St. Patrick's Day decorations we've gotten so far. I'm sure we'll get more after the holiday and when they're more on sale!

We bought the flag, door sign, and straws (I love my holiday-themed paper straws!!) all at Michael's a couple weeks ago for 40% off. They've marked it all down to 50% now, but I'm waiting for more than that ;)

I made this banner maybe four years ago or so? It's kept up well, and I only had to glue one piece back on a shamrock when I took it out this year!

Over Christmas break, Mom, Abby and I went to the Williamsburg mall that was closing at the beginning of January, and the stores that were left had stuff marked down like crazy! Mom and I each got one of these candle holders, and I think we maybe paid a quarter for them! I also got a Valentines Day one, too.

This month's Subway Art:

And, of course, my chalkboard! I have so much fun decorating this!

1 comment:

Nina Diane said...

I love all of your decorations!!! the only thing I put up this year was my banner I made and didn't even put that up until Sunday night. I was so way behind this year I'll have more! haha