"sign-your-name" guestbook. That just doesn't seem like as personalized of a guestbook as we wanted. And, sometimes the line to sign the guestbook can get long, some people might just get out of line, etc.
In one of the many wedding magazines I had, I came across this awesome scrapbook you could order, and have each person fill out a page. Well, after doing the math and realizing we'd have to get TWO of those books in order to hold all of the entries from our guests, on to Plan B. We were DIYing most of our wedding decor and everything, anyway, so why not DIY the guestbook too?
Matt and I took the inspiration we found from that original idea, tweaked the prompts, changed the design, and made it more our own, and to be honest, I love it even more!
Here is a picture of the Guestbook cards, so you can see all the different questions/statements that we included on our cards:
Yep, yep, yep, I love 'em! And Matt did a fine job making our vision come to fruition!
All of these cards were sitting at each place setting, like so:
As you can see in the top picture, three pens were provided on each of the tables, each pink, orange or green {would you expect anything less??}, so everyone could fill them out at their convenience without even having to get up. We had a basket by the door that people could drop them off in as they left, but it also worked out just fine for those that were left on the table and just scooped up during clean up.
On Sunday afternoon, the day after the wedding, Matt and I sat down and read through them all! It was so funny to see what all of our guests wrote, and especially the drawings :) Some were so memorable, that I just had to share some of the responses!
Some of the common themes in "Advice for the newlyweds" were: always put each other first, never go to bed mad {however, a good family friend wrote "if you're mad when you go to bed, you're mad. Doesn't mean you don't love each other!" Perfect!}, and always put God first.
We even got a YOLO (thanks Michael David, haha).
And, to wrap up an inside joke from when all the girls were getting ready, Alison wrote, "YOMO." YOMO = You Only Marry Once. haha.
One of our preacher's daughters apparently wants us to relax a lot, because her advice to us was to "do nothing!" :) I'll take it :)
And, perhaps my favorite words of advice came from my younger cousin, Alexander. His advice said, "always watch Harry Potter movies." Alexander, you know us so well!!
Thank you to everyone we received Guestbook Cards from! We loved reading all of the memories everyone wrote!
Now that we have all of the cards, we're going to get a nice photo album that holds 2 4x6 photos on each page, to save and store our guestbook. This way, it'll be a lot more fun to look through our guestbook, and not have it just collect dust over the years!
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