Monday, August 9, 2010

New. Exciting. Nervous

This summer, somehow blogging dropped from being at the top of my to-do list. Between classes, working, being with family, and trying to find some "me" time, I just haven't gotten around to it all that much.


I have been working on something I enjoy during my "me" time. Something new and a little different.

I made another blog.

I'll be honest. It's been two days since I wrote the first post and I haven't even told anyone what it's about. I told my sister that I made a new one, but not what it was for. I was very hesitant about people reading it/looking at it and seeing what I'd been doing in my spare time this summer. I'm not sure what I was so nervous about, I just had that feeling.

And not to worry! I will definitely still be blogging on here! This is definitely more for personal blogging and showing you pictures. My newest blog, well, why don't you just go see for yourself and let me know what you think!

Just Get Inspired

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