Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I do realize that there has been a lack of posting lately. I'm sorry. I really have just been busy. Annnd I know I shouldn't keep using that as an excuse. I love to blog; I just.......okay, don't have time.

Last night I was lying in bed and for the first time felt like I had completely exhausted myself: physically and mentally. My body ached, my head hurt, I was just tired. Spring Break next week is MUCH needed. And to top it off, I will be celebrating Christmas with my family. Yes, you most certainly read that right. Celebrating Christmas, 78 days after December 25th. Nobigdeal. There was just a lot going on and good news: my Papa is doing a lot better!

In between the anticipation of the corresponding emails between all "the aunts" and a few cousins to determine when we'd get to celebrate Christmas, I have been giving my entire life over to Longwood. Well, not really, but it sure feels that way! I don't know why all professors insist on having every test and assignment due the 2 weeks before Spring Break, then give us our next assignments to work on OVER Spring Break. Hello.....it's a BREAK, get it?

I do, however, intend on spending minimal time working on actual hand-written work and projects and such. I do have an internship interview at the Cardiac Rehabilitation facility in Memorial Regional and I'm SO stoked to go in. The ladies that manage the facility have been emailing me quite a bit to set up everything and get more information, and then we played phone tag for about a week (ok, not gonna lie, I think I left each of them 2 messages on their voicemails....). But when I finally got to talk to one of the ladies, she was so excited for me to come in and meet them, she thinks I'll be a great match for them, and have I mentioned that I'm REALLY excited???
THENNNNNN I will be doing some observations at the Sheltering Arms facility right next to the hospital to observe Physical and Occupational Therapy. SUPER excited about that. I've actually observed some therapy there before with both of my grandmothers and have loved it each time.

So, the rest of my stressful week consits of:
-finishing my Sports Nutrition Project (which I cannot wait to turn in because it will be like lifting the world off my shoulders)
-oral exams tomorrow in Exercise Testing & Prescription
-2 canceled classes for Exercise Testing & Prescription (b/c of exams..)
-one canceled Friday 2:00pm Exercise Science Seminar class
-Intro to Exercise Science Mid-Term exam
-one Abnormal Psychology test moved to AFTER Spring Break (And it's a good thing because I honestly don't think I could handle one more thing on my plate right now...)
-RA duty (which isn't a bad thing; it's in my planner, so it goes on this list..)
-& meetings galore.



Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh girl! You NEED a spring break!
Countin' down the days until Friday! (:

Nina Diane said...

wow...you really do need spring break!!