Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Proverbs 29:25

I started reading Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis about a month ago. Other than the fact that I was in the middle of reading another book when I first started (I was very anxious to start!), it was slow to grab my attention, which I wasn't expecting.  I've heard nothing but good things about it, so I thought I'd be so into it by the second page.  However, even though it is taking me a while to read the book, I'm here to say that it's grabbed my attention more :)

When I first posted on Facebook about wanting to read this book, one of my friends shared this quote with me (from the book!) which I love:

Way too often are we (myself included) concerned with what other people think of us.

This has been even MORE true for me the past 2+ months that people have known I'm pregnant.  First of all, it seems like it's been WAY longer than 2 1/2 months ago since we started telling people.
Secondly, I don't know why so many people are concerned with what I'm eating, what I'm drinking, or if we even planned to have another baby.
Not that it matters, but my eating habits haven't changed, and I'm eating and drinking the same things I did before I was pregnant, as well as when I was pregnant with Marshall.  For the first few months of being pregnant this time around, I couldn't stand even the thought of drinking water. Lately, I have been able to drink water, just much smaller amounts, and not all day at work like I was used to!  So, all my drinks I would "normally" drink at home (sweet tea, soda, Gatorade) have been making their way to work with me to get me through!  More importantly, I'm even more glad that I can stomach small amounts of water now when I'm at the gym and need it most.
Even though I've written that all out, I don't owe anyone an explanation. That's something I'm constantly trying to remind myself of.  Someone else's opinion about my eating/drinking habits should be one of the last things I'm worried about.  
Am I eating? Yes.
Am I drink? Yes.
Am I healthy? Yes.
Am I looking forward to a "Matt-tastic" in May? Yes. 😂
A "Matt-tastic" is a play off of my favorite drink we had on our honeymoon in Jamaica, made by the Bartender, Sean, who named it the "Sean-tastic."  Matt has since recreated it and it's my favorite!

So, with all that said, here's to trying not to care what other people think.
Here's to just being me, or being a better me than I was yesterday. 

Proverbs 29:25
It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you,
but if you trust in the Lord, you are safe.

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