Wednesday, January 26, 2011


For years, I have had a headache at least 5 days of every week. It hasn't been fun. I've taken so much ibuprofen in the past few years, that I'm basically immune to it now. I tried Tylenol Extra Strength; that made my headaches feel a bit better, but never made them go away. Some days when I'd have headaches were the same days mom and dad got them too, so the headaches were just associated with the pollen/mold and other allergies. And sinus-y stuff.

I finally went to the doctor over winter break and yes, they said I was congested. So, they gave me a prescription, Midrin, to take when I got a headache. Take 2 pills when I first get a headache, and take 1 pill every hour afterwards, as needed, but don't exceed 5 pills in 12 hours. Not only did the Midrin NOT WORK, but also gave me side effects that took a few days to figure out that's what it was. (Matt is so smart.) So, I stopped taking that. The last 2 days I was on the Midrin, I was also taking Claritin every morning. The day after I stopped taking the Midrin, I started getting really congested and I had a horrible cough. Another one of the side effects of the Midrin was flu-like symptoms, so I just associated it with that. Well, a couple days after feeling horrible, I finally went and picked up some Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Sinus Congestion & Cough. It had all of my symptoms listed on the box: Nasal & Sinus Congestion, Sinus Pressure, Headache + Pain, and Cough.

So, then, I was taking Claritin & Alka-Seltzer. I didn't have a headache for a few days, but I didn't know what was taking care of the headache, since both of them did the job.

I ended up making an appointment at the Longwood Health Center and went yesterday. By that time, I had gone through 2 boxes of the Alka-Seltzer and I still had a cold or whatever it is! The physician's assistant there prescribed me to things: a nasal spray for my congestion, and a swallow pill for my cough (the pills are actually cool looking, haha, because they're these little tiny pearls.).

-Claritin is not working right now. (Lame)
-I started taking the nasal spray this morning, I've seen a difference. (YAY)
-I have scheduled another eye appointment. (YAY)
-My head hurts so bad some days that I seriously consider night even going to class. (Lame)
-My cough is a LOT better, and I don't sound like a frog anymore. (Double YAY)
-We still have to schedule an appointment with the neurologist. (Lame)
-Sometime, we have to fit into my schedule physical therapy for my back. (YAY & Lame?)

P.S. Sorry this post is so jumbled and probably not in a correct order. I just wanted to write it all down.

1 comment:

Nina Diane said...

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I can't take most all medicines but this last cold / sore throat I had, I was able to take the new Tylenol Congestion medicine with no side effects and it worked. It actually worked!! maybe you could try that....