Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 8th, 2014

A year ago today, I put on my most favorite pair of sparkly shoes in the world! (In my book, they top Dorothy's ruby red slippers any day! ;) )

I walked down the cobblestone streets of Downtown Richmond with some of the best friends, cousins and sister anyone could ask for.

I walked down the aisle with my dad (and stepped on my dress a couple times) past all of our friends and family.

And I walked back down the aisle with my new husband!

I may have only spent a few hours in those shoes (because we all know I was waiting and waiting to put on flip flops!!--and my mom had bought me a fantastic pair of cushioned black Reefs with silver glitter straps---you don't think she knows I love glitter and sparkles, do you?!), but those few hours were some of the best hours of my life!

This past year has gone by so quickly, but I wouldn't change a thing about it! It has been a fantastic year and I look forward to many more!!

Last year on June 8th, I posted a quick little note to Matt about how our wedding day was finally here, so it only seemed fitting to write him another note, this year.

Matt Matt,

The day we planned and planned and planned for came and went so fast, and here we are a year later--me being all sentimental looking back on all of the fun and special moments.

Although the past year has gone by so quickly, it has definitely been one to remember! You've pushed me to reach my goals, you never leave me behind when we're running, and together, we've caught our fair share of mice in the house! haha. But hey, that will always be a fun 4:00 am story to tell.

Thanks for always being by my side, making most of the decisions, and knowing when I'm too stressed out to do anything. On a different note, thank you for always being comforting and taking care of me during the days/hours when I can't get rid of my headaches and I'm no fun to be around.

You are the absolute best friend I could ever ask for and I really am lucky to be in love with my best friend. You for sure make things easier when life gets hard. In the mornings, every time we say good bye (when you wake me up before you leave for work), I wish we had one more kiss.

You make me smile whenever I'm sad. We've grown another year older together and I can't wait to continue growing old with you.

That's our love story. I'll forever be glad I said "yes."

Happy 1st Anniversary!!

I love you!

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