Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Book + Butterfly Craft

Last week was Marshall's first week home for the summer, and we've already had so much fun! I'd already been brainstorming some activities for us to do, and the Type A in me has printed out calendars of June, July and August, and for each week day, I've written down what activity we'll do that day.

Our very first activity was a craft to go along with The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  When I went to find this book in his room, I found the second book as well, so we had two books for this activity 😊 After reading both books, we made a coffee filter butterfly 🦋

Supplies needed:
  • 2 coffee filters
  • markers
  • pipe cleaner (not pictured below)
  • tape
  • cookie sheet
  • water dropped/syringe (I used one from Marshall's medicine stash)

Flatten out the coffee filters, lay one of top of the other and tape down to the cookie sheet.
Color any kind of design (random scribbles and a yellow "circle" worked out just fine 😂).
Use the dropped/syringe to soak the coffee filters and allow the colors to bleed. You could probably just slowly pour water over it, but the syringe was easy enough for Marshall to help me with.

Once the coffee filters were completely wet, I put our cookie sheet on the back deck in the sun so it could dry quicker.

Once dry, fold each of the filters accordion style.  

I forgot to take a picture of this in between step.
Once you've folded both filters, place one on top of the other (one end of each "accordion" should be touching). I sure hope that makes sense, haha.
Bend the pipe cleaner in half, and twist it around the middle of your coffee filters. Shape the ends to make the butterfly's antenna.
  Finally, spread out the coffee filters to make the butterfly's wings! This took me a couple minutes and some adjusting the pipe cleaner to get a shape that actually looked like wings.

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