Monday, May 12, 2014

Our First Prom

Seven years ago, we attended our first (of three) proms together.

We weren't even boyfriend & girlfriend yet, and we'd only been on one date (to a restaurant that's no longer there :( ).

Before prom, we met ALL of each others' grandparents for the first time.

I couldn't get your corsage pinned on....and nothing really changed until four school dances later, I think I finally was able to pin it on without help from mom. ha.

Before prom, you also sat through my entire dance recital, watched me dance in five dances, and then we FINALLY went to prom.

And then we went to after prom, which was pretty much a flop.

And then I drove you home when you asked me to be your girlfriend. 
(insert the "awwwwwws")

As the years went on, you sat through two more dance recitals, we went to two more proms and two homecomings.

At the time, I had no idea that seven years later, I'd be sitting in OUR house, almost married a year, writing this blog post reflecting on the second time we went out.

I'm glad we're now a lot less awkward, and can laugh about how you intentionally left your shoe in my car that night.

At the time, this is the only picture from prom I can find electronically to share. 
(the rest ARE somewhere...just not here at this house!)
We look so little and so awkward..haha...I couldn't even stand up straight seven years ago, apparently. I'm quite hunched over, haha.

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