Friday, April 20, 2012

Pin It Friday!

So since I was a terrible blogger last week, I missed out on one of my favorite posts: Pin It Friday!  I remember being on duty Friday night and remembering that I usually do Pin It Fridays. While I was sad that I didn't get to choose 5 pins to share, at that point, I was just exhausted from the week, our Campus Wide, and I really just wanted to relax! 

I made sure that Pin It Friday was on this week's to-do list, so that I could cross it off and make sure it's up!  Enjoy this week's pins!!
from my quotes board:
I felt like this was a good quote to share today, since Longwood's Relay for Life is tonight. (Can't wait to see you Mom ;) haha)

from my food board:
are these noodles not fun? just add some food coloring to your boiling water before you throw in the pasta!
 from my jewelry board:
this ring makes me want summer to badly!!
 from my tips board:
I think this would be great by our back garage door next to the shoe rack!
I'm saving my favorite for last.  Oh, come on, you know how much I love my puppies!!!!

from my puppies board:

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