Friday, August 15, 2014

Our House: My "Craft" Room

This is sad.

My room upstairs has been painted for almost a year now, and I have YET to blog about it...pretty much because the room is no where near put together yet, because it's still a holding place for all of the crap (see....still calling it all "crap" mom, haha) that I've still been moving from my old room/closet. Actually, that's what both of our rooms upstairs are, but we're working on it..I promise! We have multiple things we're working on that go hand-in-hand, so it'll all eventually come together.

I anticipated on this room being a "craft" room, but I use the term very loosely, haha. All of my craft supplies DO now have an organized home in the room but I haven't actually done an ounce of crafting in that room. haha. Mainly because there's no space to work on, other than the floor. So, for the time being, our kitchen table has been been my crafting area when needed.

So, anyway, even though my room is filled with junk, and only has a couple of pieces of furniture in it, I thought I would at least go ahead and show you the final product after painting it! Finally, right?! Don't worry, when I finally do get most of the junk out of the room, or at least more organized, I'll share more pictures...hopefully in a more timely manner, too!

Here are the before pictures:

Here's the color choice: Emerald!

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