Monday, February 27, 2012

MOBO (Mortar Board)

In January 2011, I was "tapped" into the Geist Chapter of Mortar Board. A month later, I was initiated as one of the new members of Mortar Board.  Through this organization, I've been co-Historian (which means I get to take lots of pictures! :), helped out with several community service projects, organized and executed The Lasting Lecture, and planned one of Longwood's BEST WEEKENDS: Oktoberfest!!  For the past year, every Monday night at 9:00pm I've met with this wonderful group for meetings that occassionally include fun dancing :)

Last Saturday (the 18th), the new members of Mortar Board were initiated, and the 2012 class of Mortar Board were presented with medals to wear at graduation. 

It's so crazy that the past year has gone by so quickly! We just stayed busy with all the events and planning that we did, that time just flew!  What's even crazier is that tonight, in 2 1/2 hours, I will be going to my last Mortar Board meeting. Ever.  It's bittersweet.  Knowing that I'll have another free night of the week is kind of nice, yes, but I'm going to miss seeing everyone each week, laughing at our inside jokes, and just growing as a group.  Also, this just means I'm one step closer to graduation! :)

Here are some pictures of me receiving my medal:

And, ya know, just doin' my job!

1 comment:

Nina Diane said...

aww, so proud of you!!!