Sunday, December 13, 2009

25 Days of Christmas: Day 12

We got home late last night. As I was laying in my bed slowly quickly falling asleep, I literally startled myself around 12:30am, realizing I did not get a chance to blog on the 12th!!!!! I was SOOOO upset! But, in my defense, yesterday was a super hectic day.

Every year in Varina, there is a local parade down Osborne Turnpike. We usually find our way to the end of my mom's friend's driveway to watch the parade. It's always so fun, especially hanging out with people from church. Afterwards, we drive down to the boat landing, where they have snacks, hamburgers/hotdogs, chili and brunswick stew provided for the first part of the evening. Then, Jonathan the Juggler comes and performs, as well as the 2 strange girls who twirl fire and such. It freaks me out. But then comes the best part. The boat parade! People from the area who have boats, big or small, go all out and decorate their boats with lights and ride down the river! It's awesome. One boat even came up to the dock and Santa got out and was talking to kids! So cool.

This year, people got smart. Matt's family brought an Easy-Up canopy and put three of the walls on, then even had a kerosene heater inside!! So cool...or..warm.? haha. But it worked!

I love any type of Christmas lights, so the boat parade was my favorite!

And of course, as always, we all went to Roma's for dinner. All 20+ people. I love my life :)

And since I missed yesterday, that just means 2 posts today!!

1 comment:

Nina Diane said...

haha...funny that you thought of it when in bed. I'll get ready to go upstairs to bed and then be like oh no, I have to post first! Johnny just looks at me like I'm crazy.