Monday, December 14, 2009

25 Days of Christmas: Day 13

I think I'm officially a bad blogger!

I missed a day, used the next day to catch up, then never wrote the actual post on the "catch up" day! That only calls for one word: FAIL!

Last night at church was the annual Christmas Cantata performed by the church choir. I love going to see the choir sing, and I used to participate when I was in the choir during 7th and 8th grade I believe. This year, Dad had an acting part and had some lines in between the songs the choir sing. It was a very touching story that was told and I almost felt like a baby because it made me want to cry! ha. Just made me think about how fortunate I am and how lucky I am to have the things that I do.
I don't need anything for Christmas; I have all that I could possibly want, just in friends, family and God.