Friday, January 27, 2012

Longwood's going BIG!

If you haven't heard or seen on the news yet, it's been a pretty exciting week at Longwood!  There had been some talk about it lately, but on Monday it became official!

A press conference was being held at 1:00 pm on Monday in Blackwell.  Matt and I got there plenty early to make sure we had great seats for yet another awesome Longwood event.  It was at this press conference that P.Finn (President Finnegan) officially accepted the invitation for Longwood to become a part of the BIG SOUTH Conference!! Let me tell you, if you were there or weren't watching online, you probably couldn't even begin to feel the excitement there was ALL around.  Everyone was anxiously waiting for the exact moment when it would be okay to cheer; many people had their phones out tweeting about the event.....enough to get #BigSouth trending on Twitter!

It's awesome that when I go to the Longwood homepage, this is the first picture that pops up on the set of scrolling pictures!

 We were given these buttons as we arrived at the press conference.

And this is a shirt I will now have to be ordering from the Lancer Gear shop online!

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