Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One more Christmas post (I think this is the last!)

The week after Christmas, Matt told me to pick a day where we could spend a lot of it together because he had a surprise for me.  I was very excited when the day came around and I found out we were going to Virginia Beach to see the Christmas lights. YESSSSSS!  I've been several other times and Matt and I have been once before, but every year I love it just as much.  We got down to the beach in the late afternoon so we wanted to go down on the beach first.  Once we had enough of the cold wind, we just went and got in line for the lights, but it was already starting to get dark anyway.  I was so anxious and had my camera ready and everything, but Matt told me I should just enjoy the lights for once and not take pictures of everything.  Did I end up taking some pictures? Yes, of course.  But I didn't take pictures of every. last. light. display.  After seeing all of the lights, we then went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner! Yum! :)

 Yes...I was still obsessed with taking pictures of my ring.  Who am I kidding, I still do that now..

1 comment:

Nina Diane said...

I love these pics!! you really got some great ones of Matt. I would say they are "frame worthy"...haha