Monday, August 19, 2013

Our Wedding: Wedding Central

I mentioned on Friday that while we were planning for the wedding and as we started getting more and more things, the bonus room became "wedding central."  Not even joking.  If you've planned a wedding before, you know how much stuff accumulates that is needed for the wedding!

I had packages coming to the house so often with gifts, our cake topper, our cake knife and server, toasting glasses....the list just goes on!  And, we needed somewhere to keep all of it!  Thankfully, we had a huge upstairs den we could use, where we stored everything, and could also work on everything all in the same room.

While the bonus room stayed messy, it was nice having everything all in one room.  And while it may have seemed like everything was just thrown in there, I would probably call it "organized chaos," because even if there were random boxes of stuff in the floor, I could locate something because I knew exactly which shoe box it was in, and what it was under, haha.

Not only was the bonus room wedding central, but I also always joke with Matt about how he always looked like he was in a "wedding office."  He'd set his computer up somewhere and then handle all the fun details that I couldn't wrap my head around without making a mess, haha.

I remember the day before the wedding, when we were making sure we had everything:  Mom and I were figuring out the best way to box everything up, I was
labeling all of the boxes and putting my "monkey-proof" directions in all of them {I literally wrote everything miniscule detail, just so there wouldn't be any confusion! haha}, all of the boxes then went downstairs to the dining room and kitchen {and that one straggler that SOMEHOW ended up in the living room and never made its way to the Science Museum!  That really happened, but it ALL worked out :) }, ready to be loaded in Mom's and Matt's cars.  When all of the stuff was out of the bonus room, it looked empty. So empty.  Even more so now that all of the leftover pieces of paper, empty boxes, etc. are all cleaned up!  To quote something Matt and I say on a pretty regular basis, after cleaning up, there was "so much room for activity!!" haha

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