Tuesday, December 11, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: Day 11

Okay, so now that I'm off that ABCFamily Christmas movie kick (for now), here's another wonderful Christmas movie for ya!

For the longest time, I would think of this movie as, "The-Christmas-movie-with-the-Hanson-songs-in-it."  Yeah, I had strange/interesting ways of remembering things.  Why I couldn't just remember two words for the title, I'll never know.

Jack Frost is such a great movie, and if you haven't seen it, I hope this post won't spoil anything for you!  When I watch it, I feel so bad for Charlie when no one will believe him at first that his dad is the snowman.  Instead, everyone just teases him and talks about him for his crazy imagination. 
But I think it's really cool how his dad, Jack Frost, comes back to life as the snowman and is able to spend a little more time with Charlie, even after a year has gone by since his death.  And, it's also really cool that Charlie's dad finally gets to see him play in a hockey game, and use the trick shot that Jack taught him! It's one of those Christmas movies that just makes ya feel good! :)

Fun Fact!!
The student who bullies charlie...anyone recognize him? (Around 1:19 in the trailer.) That's Pete Riley from Phantom of the Megaplex!! A movie for a different holiday, but still one of my favorites!!

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