Thursday, December 20, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: Day 20

Watching this movie is the first time that I can remember ever seeing Tim Allen acting in something, so it's just what I used to always associate him with.  The Santa Clause isn't necessarily my favorite Christmas movie, but I will stop and watch it every time I know it's on TV!  Last year, I even asked for this movie for Christmas because it was FINALLY on DVD! (We had it on VHS, though.)  So now, I do own all of The Santa Clause movies on DVD, ha!

If, for some reason, you've never seen this movie, first of all, you need to! Second of all, it's all about Scott Calvin landing is role as the NEW Santa Clause.  When I was younger and saw this movie, I was totally convinced someone could become Santa by making the real Santa fall off the roof....then his body would disappear and all that would be left is his Santa suit laying in the snow...haha!

I also thought it was very cool how when Scott and his son, Charlie, got to the North Pole, Bernard the head elf gave Charlie a special snow globe.  Now that his dad was Santa, whenever Charlie shook up his snow globe, he'd be able to see his dad!  Another favorite part of mine? I've got three words for ya: Elves. With. Attitude.

So, enjoy a couple of pictures from this movie! :)

1 comment:

Kate O'Brien said...

I love love love that movie! One of my Christmas favorites! :)