Thursday, December 13, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: Day 13

Sorry this isn't getting posted as early as most of the rest, but hey, at least I'm getting it posted! :)  This is one of those good 'ol Hallmark Christmas movies, Mrs. Miracle, and it's also based off of a book by Debbie Macomber.  Funny thing is, last time I was at the library, I actually left with a great stash of Christmas books, all by Debbie Macomber, one of those books being Call Me Mrs. Miracle.  Anyway, I first saw this movie I think a couple Christmases ago.  I probably wouldn't have normally watched it if I came across it while flipping through the channels.  I think I just happened to walk in the room as Mom was starting to watch it, so I watched it too, lol. 

However, this is the type of movie that I would hate to watch with Matt. haha. Not because he wouldn't like it, but because it's the type of movie that is so predictable within the first ten minutes.  Usually, I don't think that much into a movie, I just watch it as it goes, but Matt, on the other hand, could pretty much tell you exactly how the movie will end. (And, it being a Hallmark movie doesn't make it any more difficult to figure out, either, lol).  While it may not be a straight-up Christmas themed movie, the movie takes place around Christmas, and ends with a Christmas pageant that the two boys are in, but, I guess it is another love story movie put out by Hallmark!

Hey look, it's Dawson! ;)

A little sneaky peak: tomorrow's post will bring a movie that's gonna take me down memory lane!

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