Tuesday, December 31, 2013

ABCs of 2013

I cannot believe that today is the last day of 2013! I know this will sound so cliche, but where in the world has the last year gone??

Even though Christmas is technically over based on the date, it's most certainly not over for me. Not yet. Mom always kept our decorations up for the 12 days of Christmas, so that's what I'm doing too. However, I don't need a "legitimate reason" to get me to keep these decorations up any longer! I've seen so many people saying that since Christmas is now over, the decorations must come down. Sorry, but I've really been enjoying laying on the sofa, watching TV, with the only light in the house coming from the TV and the Christmas tree. I'm going to be really sad when it all comes down. Maybe Matt will decide to keep up a
strand of lights ;)  Plus, I still have lots of Christmas pictures to share, so those will be in some posts in the beginning of 2014!

So many monumental and fun things have happened in the past year, and I of course wanted to share them in a fun way. The idea I came up with was to do an ABCs of 2013, and only share about 26 of the best things that happened this year! By no means does this cover everything that happened, but it at least shares a lot with you!

A- Annie joined the family just 2 weeks before the wedding! :)

And, we celebrated Matt's grandparent's 50th Anniversary!

B- I Baked 25 different Christmas goodies for my blog.....THAT kept me busy in December!

C- Matt started working at Cintas! AND we celebrated our first married Christmas! yay!

D- I had lots of fun taking pictures with the DeVoss family!

E- Matt made an Edible pyramid out of Smarties....hahaha

F- One of Matt's littles, Ben, from his Fraternity, got married to Carrie, who I was in Longwood Ambassadors with, so we went to NOVA for their wedding over the summer!

G- We received a Grill as one of our wedding gifts, and we've enjoyed MANY grilled dinners! :)

H- We bought our first House!

I- Matt and I had many Ice Cream dates to the Shake Shop--yes, it will always be the Shake Shop!

J- We went to Jamaica on our Honeymoon!

K- We've used our Keurig at least twice a day basically every day since we've been married. It's so fantastic!

L- We've enjoyed several dinners at Legends.

M- Abby and I threw a surprise party with friends and family for Mom's birthday.

N- I took Newborn pictures for the first time, of baby Brayden!

O- We went to Farmville for Longwood's Oktoberfest.

P- We Painted two rooms in our house. {What a coincidence that they're shades of Christmas colors ;) Trust me, I had no input in the color Matt chose! And yes, there will be more pictures to come of my room in the future.}

Q- I attended Amanda Hedgepeth's Q&A workshop and learned so much!

R- Matt bought a Record player, and we've both had a lot of fun searching for records to listen to!

We also went to a Redskins pre-season game, thanks to Matt's brother for the tickets!

S- I was a Snow Queen at Santa Land for the 2nd year!

T- I was treated in my very first Teacher Appreciation Week, and had many wonderful snacks everyday! {Snacks are wonderful at work.}

U- We ran in the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K!

V- I started working at Varina High School.

W- June 8th was the best day of the year, because that was the day of our Wedding!!

I also made several Wreaths this year!

X- We went to Longwood for the CHI {X} burning.....I don't think this is cheating for X, I actually think it's pretty creative ;) haha

Y- I went with Mom to Longwood, while Abby was at YADAPP, for one of their sessions.

Z- Zack and Ashley were our first dinner guests at our house!

{And how do I not have a SINGLE picture from that evening?!}

I hope you all had a great year, have a great evening, and a great start to 2014! See you next year! :)

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